The rightheous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon... (Psalm 92:12)

Collection: Thriving

Why THRIVING Clothing & Apparel?

Because thrive means: 

(1) develop well, prosper, flourish 

(2) to be exceedingly successful, to do better than most

Thriving Inspiration: Song Of Thanksgiving To The Lord

This Psalm speaks of the great love and provisions of God for his people. It speaks of our thankfulness and our gladness. It speaks of how we benefit so greatly from his everlasting love and unmatched power!

Scripture “The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon, planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green.” (Psalm 92:12-14)

How does it apply to me?

When we obey God, it comes with great benefits.

Collection Pieces

This collection features 2 garments -  a Scripture T-shirt and a Scripture Hoodie. 

Both garments adorn the same graphic elements, a soft font on the bottom layer for the scripture and bold red letters on the top. The bold red letters draw attention to the eye quickly. The scripture reference is on the back of each garment below the neck. Each garment is made with luxuriously soft cotton, and can be machine washed.

The scripture citation is on the back of each garment below the neck. Each garment is made with luxuriously soft cotton, and can be machine washed.

Inspiration: Psalm 92:12-14

Select A Gift Today:

  • for anyone who wants to celebrate
  • as affirmation of the benefits that come with obeying God
  • for others who share the same faith and confidence as you
  • to wear as a walking billboard - share the word without speaking a word