Thank You Jesus! A Personal Love Story

Thank You Jesus! A Personal Love Story

Thank You Jesus!

As a Christian, I have immense gratitude for Jesus and his unconditional love for me. His willingness to forgive and let me start over allowed for a better life for me today. He knew about my transgressions and poured out forgiveness rather than condemnation. His knowledge of my transgressions did not cause him to turn away from me , but rather to embrace me and tenderly guide me on the path to a better way of life. It was not difficult to follow his lead because I was immersed in his goodness, his kindness, his mercy, his love and the hope of eternal life that he preached and promised.

Thank You Jesus for making me whole again.

He picked up my broken pieces and helped me put them into place again. He showed me a love much greater than any human should have been able to withstand. I wept incessantly from the sweetness of his love. I stand boldly today on the Word of God, content, fulfilled and satisfied because of the unmatched love of Jesus Christ.

Thank You Jesus for the sacrifice.

“Thank You Jesus” is not nearly expressive enough to define all that He has done for me and continues to do every day. When I think about how great a sacrifice God the Father made when he elected to send “his only son” away from the royalty and majesty of his heavenly home; it is difficult to fathom. The fact that Jesus actually agreed is baffling.

Thank You Jesus for the collaboration.

Both God the Father and God the Son were in agreement. It was simply amazing and they did it just for us. Jesus left everything behind in order to show how much we matter. I am grateful every day when I wake up knowing that I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. I am grateful every day that you did not leave us comfortless. You left and the Comforter came for us. Your spirit lives within us.  Hallelujah.

Thank You Jesus for cleansing me.

When Jesus saves, he forgives and changes our lives. It is an incredible thing to witness, and almost impossible to put in words. He, and only he, is able to cleanse us so thoroughly that it removes any semblance of spiritual uncleanness. The cleansing is pure and righteous and instantaneously gives us a newness of life.

Songwriters have created lyrics for years about the newness they felt after being cleansed by the blood of the lamb.

  • It’s not that our hands actually become new; it’s that we become more careful about what we allow our hands to touch.
  • It’s not that our feet actually become new; it’s that our feet no longer desire to travel the same paths as before.
  • It’s not that our heart actually becomes new; it’s that our heart begins to seek the heart of God for our lives, and as we do, we are transformed.

The Bible-ish™️ Love Collection was inspired by the sacrifice Jesus made so that we could have newness of life through Christ.

From a grateful and thankful heart:

  1. Thank You Jesus for enduring the misery and anguish of the cross. No greater example of love could you have left for us.
  2. Thank you Jesus for opening your heart to forgive while you were yet on the cross. No greater example could you have left us regarding the need to forgive and be forgiven.
  3. Thank you Jesus for preaching the gospel of heaven so that we know that we have the hope of eternal life. No greater hope is there than knowing that by your own power you allowed them to crucify you and by your own power you rose from the grave for us, leaving no doubt that we serve a true and living God.
  4. Thank you Jesus for going to prepare a place for us.
  5. Thank you Jesus for being our advocate in heaven

For God So Loved The World:

The scripture (John 3:16) reads - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

You might ask - what does this scripture really mean in very basic steps?

  1. Believe in God
  2. Believe God sent Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins
  3. Believe Jesus gave his life for us on the cross
  4. Believe Jesus can forgive our sins
  5. Believe steps 1-4 and the way to eternal life is now yours

Consider it God’s Love Gift just for you. Will you receive the gift today?


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