Learn To Pray: Outline by Jesus

Learn To Pray: Outline by Jesus

In order to understand how to pray, we must go back to the instructions of Jesus because he was the source. In Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus teaches us how to pray by giving us what is commonly known as ”The Lord's Prayer”. This prayer is not only a how-to-pray model; it also reveals some profound truths about God and His character. Let's take a look at what Jesus teaches us about prayer in this passage.


The Lord's Prayer is perhaps one of the most well-known prayers in the world. It is a prayer that is recited by Christians all over the world, and its words hold deep meaning and significance. The Lord's Prayer is not just a set of words to be recited. It is a needful guide for Christians in their daily lives.


The Lord's Prayer begins with the words, "Our Father who art in heaven." These words remind us that God is like a loving father who watches over us from heaven. This is a comforting thought for many people, as it reminds us that we are not alone in the world. It also highlights the idea of a personal relationship with God, where we can talk to him like we would talk to a parent or a friend.


The next line of the Lord's Prayer is "Hallowed be thy name." This line expresses the idea that we should show holy respect and honor to God's name. Even though we show respect to our parents and others in position of authority, there is no one higher in knowledge or power than God. Therefore, we address and respect his name above all names. It is a further acknowledgement that we appreciate his greatness, his power and his love for us.


"Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" is a powerful statement of faith. It reminds us that we want God's love and goodness to be present on earth, just like it is in heaven. Since we want God’s heavenly love on earth, we must also remember to do our best to live in accordance with God's will, rather than our own selfish desires, while we are yet on earth.


"Give us this day our daily bread" is a line that acknowledges our dependence on God’s ability to impart, or give to us, exactly what he knows we need, not just our basic needs. The word of God tells us that he is able to do exceeding abundantly more than we can ask or think to ask. Hence, we are asking for a personal impartation of what he alone knows we need. And, yes, we must still be grateful for what we have, and should never take our blessings for granted. This line also encourages us to live for today, and to trust that God will provide for every other day as well.


"And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us" is perhaps one of the most powerful statements in the Lord's Prayer. Because forgiveness is an essential component of a healthy and happy life, this line serves as a reminder that we are expected to forgive others just as we pray that God will forgive us. At some point in our lives, all of us have trespassed. We have said something wrong, done something wrong, or thought something wrong. When we are freely forgiven, we should learn to freely forgive.


"Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil" is a line that asks God to lead us away from harmful temptations and protect us from evil. It causes us to recognize our weaknesses and susceptibility to temptation, and, therefore, acknowledge that we need God's help to resist it. So, it is important for us to walk in faith and love every single day. This line also highlights the importance of faith in our daily lives, and the power that faith can have in protecting us from harm.


Finally, the Lord's Prayer ends with the words "For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen." This final line is a way for us to praise God, acknowledge his power, worship him and give his name the glory. Each time we speak these words, it is confirmation that God is all-powerful and worthy of our love and utmost respect. This line also serves as a conclusion to the prayer; a reverent way of bringing it to a close, while we are inspired and ready to return to our daily lives having a renewed sense of purpose and faith.


In this blog post, we have explored each section of the Lord’s Prayer, broken it down into basic steps, and discovered the true meaning and some great benefits. If we use this powerful tool each and every day, it will help us stay connected directly to God. Staying connected to God will help us stay grounded, and focused as we navigate our way through this earthly life, knowing that heaven is ultimately our home.

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