David’s Elevated Faith Journey - Part 3 of 5

David’s Elevated Faith Journey - Part 3 of 5

7 minute read

Elevated faith should be written beside an image of King David in the Bible Dictionary. He was a towering figure in ancient history, is renowned for his multifaceted legacy as a warrior, as a  poet, and as a ruler. Born in Bethlehem around 1040 BCE, he rose from humble beginnings as a shepherd to become the second king of Israel, succeeding Saul. His story is rich with triumphs, challenges, and moral complexities that continue to captivate audiences across generations.

David’s Ascent To Power

With elevated faith, David showed that he was not afraid to face the giant. It was because of his faith, that David was unafraid to face the giant.  His victory over the Philistine giant, Goliath, was a feat that showcased his courage, faith, and military prowess. This pivotal moment solidified his reputation as a fearless leader and earned him the favor of King Saul, who appointed him as commander of his armies. Throughout our Christian lives we are presented many opportunities to grow in elevated faith, by trusting God and acting on that trust.

David’s Relationship With Saul

The cherished relationship soon soured due to the king’s jealousy and paranoia. His love for David turned into loathing. This caused David to flee for his life. David embarked on a tumultuous journey marked by danger, betrayal, and divine intervention. Even danger and betrayal did not cause David to turn on God. He faced numerous adversities, including multiple attempts on his life by Saul. Yet, David remained steadfast in his belief in God’s providence. Even when given the opportunity to kill Saul while he slept, David chose rather to obey God’s instructions: “touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm”. (1 Chronicles 16:22)

David’s Profound And Imperfect Rulership

David’s unwavering determination and military acumen enabled him to establish his own kingdom. He captured the stronghold of Jerusalem, which became the capital of Israel and a symbol of his reign. Under his leadership, Israel experienced a golden age of prosperity, expansion, and cultural flourishing.

David’s legacy, however, is not without blemish. His unsolicited relationship with Bathsheba, the wife of one of his loyal soldiers, Uriah, and the subsequent murder of Uriah to cover up the scandal, stained his reputation.

Despite these moral failings, King David remembered how to get back into the favor of God - repenting and asking God for forgiveness, resulting in one more step to elevated faith. David’s repentance and profound relationship with God, as depicted in his psalms, reveal the complexities of human nature and the capacity for redemption. God is a forgiver.

None Of Us Are Exempt From Temptation

As we face these temptations, we can either give in or gain greater confidence in God to see us through. Each time we choose God over everything else our elevated faith grows a little bit more. Additionally, each test God sets before us is a challenge. We can choose to behave galliantly with God as our ever present help or lean to our own understanding, which the Bible urges us not to do (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Throughout his life, David’s character was marked by both triumphs and tragedies, virtues and vices. Yet, his enduring influence as a king, warrior, and spiritual leader endures as a testament to the power of faith, resilience, and the pursuit of righteousness. As believers, we must remain faithful to God and continue believing him no matter how life treats us, just as David showed in the scriptures.

God Works With Us And Gifts Us As He Pleases

A Gifted Musician. David’s prowess as a musician caught the attention of King Saul, who summoned him to soothe his troubled spirit with melodies from his harp. In the palace halls, David honed his skills as a musician, cultivating a sensitivity to the divine and an ability to express the depths of human emotion through song. God works with us in similar ways, gifting each of us with unique talents and passions that serve as instruments of His purpose. Whether it’s music, art, or craftsmanship, our creative expressions become avenues through which God’s glory shines forth, touching hearts and transforming lives.

A Gifted Shepherd. As a shepherd, David learned the art of patience, courage, and devotion – qualities that would later define his reign as king. Like David, we are reminded that God often chooses the seemingly ordinary to accomplish the extraordinary. He sees beyond our outward circumstances to the potential within, nurturing and shaping us for the tasks ahead.

Unstoppable Unisex T-Shirts

Unstoppable Unisex T-Shirts


Looking for a t-shirt that sends a strong message of faith and strength? Introducing the Bible- ish®️Unstoppable T-shirt! This tee is emblazoned with a powerful Scripture verse, declaring that with Christ, we are unstoppable! This shirt is perfect for anyone… view product

A Gifted Warrior. David’s defining moment came on the battlefield against the towering Philistine champion, Goliath. Armed with nothing but a slingshot and unwavering faith, David faced the seemingly insurmountable foe with courage and conviction. In that pivotal encounter, David’s trust in God’s strength and providence propelled him to, forever solidifying his legacy as the giant slayer. Similarly, God equips us with the tools we need to face the giants in our lives – whether they be doubt, fear, or adversity. He empowers us to confront challenges head-on, knowing that with His guidance, we are more than conquerors.

A Gifted King. David was anointed as the future king of Israel by the prophet Samuel. Despite facing opposition and persecution from King Saul, David remained steadfast in his faith, trusting in God’s promise to elevate him to the throne. Eventually, David’s unwavering loyalty and integrity won him favor with the people, leading to his eventual coronation as king. God’s timing and purposes may seem mysterious at times, but His faithfulness endures. He sees the potential within us and orchestrates events in our lives to fulfill His divine plan, elevating us to positions of influence and impact.

A Gifted Psalmist. Throughout his tumultuous reign, David poured out his heart to God in the timeless psalms that bear his name. In moments of triumph and despair, David’s intimate communion with God served as a beacon of hope and inspiration. To this day, the Psalms of David continue to resonate with believers, offering solace, encouragement, and a glimpse into the depths of faith. Like David, we are invited to cultivate a vibrant prayer life, where we pour out our joys and sorrows before the Lord, trusting in His provision and guidance and continuing to build elevated faith.

In conclusion, the life of David serves as a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness and transformative work in our lives. From shepherd to king, David’s journey exemplifies how God works with us, gifts us, and elevates us to fulfill our destinies. As we embrace our unique calling and trust in God’s leading, may we, like David, walk boldly in faith, knowing that with God, all things are possible.

Elevated Faith Through Christian Apparel

In today’s world Christians have many ways to stay encouraged and profess our beliefs  so others can be encouraged as well. One of the ways we can do this is by embracing fashion choices that display our Christian beliefs. 

Bible-ish® offers a line of Christian apparel with scriptures and Christian symbols that were designed to remind the believer of God’s unmatched love, as well as His power to change our lives. Whether one chooses to adorn Christian clothing T-shirts, hoodies, jogger sets or accessories, Bible-ish® has an uplifting design or collection that will touch your heart.

Embracing Christian apparel not only serves as a personal reminder of our faith but also offers a tangible means to outwardly express our beliefs, fostering a sense of solidarity within our community and serving as a beacon of encouragement to others. By wearing Christian clothing that symbolizes our faith, we demonstrate our commitment to living according to Christian principles, inviting conversations and opportunities to share our beliefs with those around us. This visible representation can serve as a reminder to ourselves and a source of inspiration to others, strengthening our collective resolve to walk in the footsteps of Christ. 

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