Abraham’s Elevated Faith: A Blueprint for Spiritual Ascent

Abraham’s Elevated Faith: A Blueprint for Spiritual Ascent

8 minute read

Abraham’s Elevated Faith Journey: Part 1 of 5 

As we delve into biblical history, few figures stand as prominently as Abraham – the father of faith. His elevated faith journey, a profound narrative etched into the sacred scriptures, offers a blueprint for believers. In this blog we will take a close look at Abraham’s life. We will uncover the struggles he overcame, the steps he took to ascend to a higher plane of faith, and how everyday Christians can apply these principles to deepen their understanding and navigate their own elevated faith journey.

Abraham’s Journey

It begins in the city of Ur, where God calls him to leave behind the familiar and embark on a journey to an unknown land (Genesis 12:1). This initial call sets the stage for a life marked by unwavering trust, resilience in the face of adversity, and a deepening relationship with the divine.

Abraham’s elevated faith journey commenced with an act of radical obedience – leaving his homeland, his people, and his father’s household in response to God’s call. This departure required leaving behind the security of the known for the uncertainty of the unknown. It was a pivotal step that showcased Abraham’s willingness to step out in faith, trusting in God’s guidance.

God’s promise to Abraham was monumental – descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sands on the seashore (Genesis 15:5). The challenge here was not merely believing in the promise but trusting in its fulfillment despite the natural hindrances of old age. Abraham’s faith was marked by an active trust, a conviction that God’s promises would come to pass even in the face of seemingly insurmountable circumstances.

The zenith of Abraham’s faith journey arrived when God tested him with an unthinkable command – to offer his beloved son Isaac as a sacrifice (Genesis 22:2). This was a test that probed the depths of Abraham’s commitment, challenging him to surrender the very promise God had bestowed. Remarkably, Abraham’s obedience was unwavering, and at the last moment, God provided a ram as a substitute, commending Abraham’s faith.

Applying Abraham’s Principles: Steps To Elevated Faith

Abraham’s faith journey came with many challenges. Each step involved a level of surrender, a level of trust, and resilience so incredible that pushed the boundaries of human understanding. It offers timeless principles that believers can apply to elevate their own faith. Let’s explore these steps and understand how they can be integrated into the lives of everyday Christians seeking a deeper understanding of faith.

Step 1. Radical Obedience:

Abraham’s journey began with radical obedience – a willingness to heed God’s call, even when it required leaving behind the security of the familiar. To elevate their faith, everyday Christians can practice radical obedience by actively seeking and responding to God’s guidance in their lives. This may involve making decisions that align with biblical principles, even when it goes against societal norms or personal preferences. 

Step 2. Active Trust in God’s Promises:

Abraham’s faith was not passive; it was an active trust in the promises of God. Believers can elevate their faith by actively trusting in the promises found in scripture. This involves immersing oneself in the Word, internalizing the promises of God, and holding onto them, even when faced with doubts or challenges. Active trust is an intentional choice to believe in God’s faithfulness.

Step 3. Resilience in the Face of Challenges:

Abraham’s life was marked by resilience in the face of various challenges. Everyday Christians can achieve elevated faith by developing resilience – the ability to bounce back from setbacks, endure trials, and remain steadfast in their commitment to God. This resilience is cultivated through prayer, a reliance on God’s strength, and a perspective that views challenges as opportunities for growth.

Step 4. Surrendering Cherished Aspects:

The pinnacle of Abraham’s faith was demonstrated in his willingness to surrender Isaac, his beloved son. While Christians may not face literal sacrifices, they can elevate their faith by examining their hearts and being willing to surrender cherished aspects of their lives – be it personal ambitions, desires, or even relationships – for the sake of obedience to God. This act of surrender is a profound step in deepening one’s faith.

Step 5. Practicing Patience:

Abraham’s journey involved waiting for the fulfillment of God’s promises. Patience became a crucial virtue in his faith walk. Similarly, everyday Christians can elevate their faith by practicing patience, understanding that God’s timing is perfect and that waiting is not a passive state but an active trust in His plans.

Step 6. Intimacy with God through Prayer and Worship:

Abraham’s journey was intertwined with moments of deep intimacy with God through prayer and worship. Elevating faith involves building a similar intimacy by dedicating time to prayer, worship, and seeking a deeper connection with the divine. This intentional effort fosters a relationship that goes beyond religious rituals, transforming faith into a living, dynamic connection.

Step 7. Community, Fellowship and Godly Love:

Throughout his journey, Abraham was accompanied by a community of believers, including his nephew Lot. Elevating faith is not a solitary endeavor; it thrives in community and fellowship. It is not solely about personal growth but also about reflecting God’s love to others. As Christians our elevated faith journey involves translating belief into action – embodying the principles of love, compassion, and service in everyday interactions. This outward expression becomes a testament to the transformative power of faith in action. Christians can seek and build supportive communities that encourage, challenge, and uplift each other on their faith journeys.

Conclusion: Elevated Faith, Following Abraham’s Footsteps

As we traverse the terrain of Abraham’s faith journey, we encounter a rich tapestry of challenges, triumphs, and transformative moments. Just as Abraham obediently faced his challenges, we, too, will have our challenges to face.  We must face them believing God is with us. Every challenge offers us an opportunity to trust God more. Every victory increases our confidence in God and our new found courage.

Elevated Faith Clothing Trends

There has been a noticeable surge in the popularity of Christian Clothing Brands, featuring  Christian apparel, including Christian T-shirts, leading the way. This elevated faith clothing trend is not merely about donning stylish garments but represents a profound shift in how Christians express their faith in public.

Christian T-shirts, in particular, have become a canvas for believers to communicate their convictions boldly and creatively. These T-shirts often showcase intricate designs, Bible verses, or powerful messages that allow wearers to share their spirituality with the world in a visually striking and approachable manner.

The elevated faith clothing trend reflects a desire for a wardrobe that not only aligns with contemporary fashion but also serves as a testament to one’s faith journey, creating a visible link between personal style and spiritual identity.

The rise of Christian apparel as a trend is intricately connected to the growing importance of authenticity and individuality in the fashion landscape. Christians are increasingly seeking ways to seamlessly integrate their faith into their daily lives, and Christian apparel provides a unique avenue for this expression.

As believers strive to live out their values in every aspect of their lives, from work to leisure, trendy Christian clothing brands allow them to make a bold statement about their identity and beliefs. Whether it’s a well-designed Christian T-shirt or a carefully curated ensemble of Christian apparel, this trend represents more than just a style choice – it signifies a cultural shift where fashion becomes a powerful tool for personal and spiritual storytelling.

Unstoppable Edition Unisex Hoodie & Jogger Set

Unstoppable Edition Unisex Hoodie & Jogger Set


Take your streetwear fashions up a notch with the UNSTOPPABLE  Hoodie & Joggers Set. This ensemble is designed for comfort, durability, and style. It also delivers a powerful message! This hoodie and jogger set seamlessly combines fashion with purpose. Key… view product

Elevated Faith Clothing: The Bible-ish®️ Creative Approach

As a Christian Clothing Brand, Bible-ish®️ focuses on bringing the scriptures to life in every design. We have elevated faith clothing collections in our store that not only resonate with Abraham’s story, but with each of the characters in this 5 Part Series and beyond.

There is certainly a T-Shirt, Hoodie or Hoodie & Jogger Set that resonates with the struggles and triumphs of Abraham and all Christians. Our ultimate objective: merge faith with fashion so our customers can stylishly “Wear the Word”.

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Coming Soon:

Part 2 of 5: Esther

Part 3 of 5: David

Part 4 of 5: Ruth

Part 5 of 5: Paul

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